Banquet Hall


Fast Wifi

Food & Drink


Luxury lifestyle

About Hotel

Welcome to Hotel Kashish International is a small, independent, family-run hotel in Kalyan

A hotel with international standards in Kalyan, the heart of Mumbai Suburbs

Hotel & Suites
Banqute Hall
Food & Restaurants
Luxury Lifestyle
false ceiling designs

25+ Years Of Experience In Hotel Services

  • Quality
  • Performance

Explore Our Luxury Trendy Rooms and Suites

0 +

Golden Eye

0 +

Blue Moon

0 +

Ruby Red

0 +

Open Air Terrace

We Provide Amazing Service to Enjoy Your Days

Our Activity

Quality Services & Food Your Trip Are Enjoyable

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Room Cleaning and Guide

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Quality Foods & kitchen

Quis autem vel eum iure repreh enderit voluptatey velit esse molestiae

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All Types of Event Halls

Quis autem vel eum iure repreh enderit voluptatey velit esse molestiae

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